USUA Represents Ultralight Interests.
USUA is the organization that the FAA, the media, and other organizations look to when it comes to ultralight issues. When an ultralight accident or incident happens in the USA, we are the ones that explain to the media the rules, the safety consciousness of pilots, and the freedom of flight. Currently USUA is working with LAMA and other organizations to update Sport Pilot regulations and policy. USUA looks out after your sport flying interests like no other organization!
Ultralights Defined
Ultralights Can Change Your Point of View and Your Life
No form of aviation offers the low and slow, wind-in-your-face freedom that ultralight and light sport aircraft can. The dream of flight that many of us had as children can truly be realized with these unique aircraft. Freedom and safety combine to provide the ultimate recreational experience!

Curtis Hughes's The Ultralight Pilot's Flight Training Manual remains the best training resource available for the fixed wing ultralight pilot. This book, now published by USUA, is the text book used by most ultralight flight instructors. It includes chapters on:
- The Training Process
- Basic Airwork
- Advanced Airwork
- Traffic Patterns
- Solo Flight Lessons
- Basic Meterorology
- FAR Part 103
- The National Airspace System
Another Benefit!

Powered Sport Flying Magazine is a FREE member benefit. WIth monthly features about ultralights, gyroplanes, powered parachutes, powered paragliders, light sport aircraft and trikes, it is the only complete sport flying magazine in the country and you get this $36.95 value as part of your membership.
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